26th of April, 2024

ALREADY BEGINS MY TROUBLE, OUR TROUBLE. the consistency of a conscious existence. but life does not wait for you to be alive. you may catch it on a whim, an interlude of ease and merrymaking, before awaiting the next breath of gusto to take you away some where. it's no way to be, half-breathing, half-alive, in between dreams and waking, reality and reality.


8th of April, 2024

THE SOLAR ECLIPSE HAPPENED THIS AFTERNOON. my wife couldn't get the day off today, so i took our roommate to her workplace a few miles away. we couldn't drive; but we took city scooters and that was a lot of fun. it reminded me of being back in college and checking out the dining hall late at night or enjoying the way the sun set on our summer trips for the seasonal ice-cream place. oddly enough my music was not as great a part of the experience as in those days, but maybe that's because today i was extra focused on the destination. i really wanted to be with everyone when the sun was completely covered.


6th of April, 2024

I'M WORKING TODAY SO I HAVE TO MAKE THIS QUICK. i'm hardly through my late breakfast and i've been putting off sitting down and actually writing because i always want to make the most comfortable environment. alas, that task usually takes several sessions and i'm none too often satisfied with what i actually do at the end - hence why this very blog has already been remade a hundred times and will inevitably experience myriad changes at my hand.